Word mistake sparks Ms. Cheap's journey into astronomy


I hate to admit it, but earlier this year I had an embarrassing word mix-up in a column.

I stupidly used the word 'astrology' when I definitely meant 'astronomy,' while referring to some of the free star parties that are offered around Middle Tennessee. Of course I knew the difference, but somehow just slipped up.

RELATED: More from Ms. Cheap

Ugh! Well, I can assure you that it won't happen again after local astronomer Theo Wellington set me straight in an email: 'Astrology is the silly stuff about horoscopes in the paper, not to be confused with astronomy, which is science.'

The upside of my gaffe was that I got to meet Wellington and learn more about the Barnard-Seyfert ASTRONOMICAL Society, whose members host all of these wonderful star parties where they set up their telescopes and 'share the wonders' of the sky with anybody who is interested.

Wellington, who describes herself as an 'amateur ASTRONOMER,' is not only president of the society, but also works at the Adventure Science Center's Sudekum Planetarium as a planetarium educator, presenting shows including Skies Over Nashville, Dynamic Earth and Back to the Moon for Good.

Wellington noted that ASTRONOMY is a perfect Ms. Cheap activity since the sky 'is free all the time to everyone' because you don't need a lot of equipment and it is fun for all ages. And she says, 'you don't have to know anything' to get started.

You also don't have to bring anything and you don't even have to register. You can just show up, and the volunteer ASTRONOMERS are eager to answer questions and help you learn about what you are seeing through their scopes. Or you can bring your telescope, and they will help you figure out how to use it.

'It doesn't matter whether you have a degree in astrophysics or you don't know which end of a telescope to look in, everyone is welcome' at these parties, she said, noting that they are very informal and that the members simply bring their telescopes and set up and let people look.

'There are typically six to 10 telescopes set up. And we try to have them looking at different things. Someone may be looking at the moon, someone else may be looking at Saturn, somebody else double stars,' Wellington said.

The best part, she said, 'is someone seeing the moon for the first time and getting excited, or seeing Saturn for the first time and them saying, 'Oh, my gosh it really does have rings!! You can see the rings!' '

Bring out telescopes

Bud Hamblen and other members of the Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society set up their telescopes for a 'star party' recently at the Bells Bend Nature in Nashville. The monthly star parties are free and open to the public.(Photo: Steven S. Harman / The Tennessean)

These free Barnard Seyfert-sponsored night sky telescope parties are popping up on the fall calendars of lots of Middle Tennessee parks including Long Hunter State Park in Hermitage, Bowie Nature Park in Fairview, Bells Bend Outdoor Park, Shelby Bottoms, Warner Parks Nature Center and more.

They really do offer a great free opportunity for all ages to learn about the night sky from these amateur and professional ASTRONOMERS, as well as a chance to check out a lot of different telescopes and lenses.

'And if people want to learn more about their telescopes, we encourage them to come out and set up with us. We can help them learn to use whatever they have,' Wellington said.

'Our members have all sorts of day jobs, although we do have a few professional astronomers. Some own telescopes, some do not. We all just enjoy learning about and looking at the night sky and sharing the experience.'

The society, which meets monthly and has about 80 members, is very welcoming.

'The mission of the BSAS is for everyone to have an opportunity to enjoy the night sky,' the group's brochure says.

Of particular interest to ASTRONOMY newbies or wannabes would be the November BSAS meeting when the program is 'So You Want To Buy an ASTRONOMY Toy.' Members will help people who are interested in buying a telescope decide what the best options would be for their purposes.

And the January meeting is another useful one. It is always set up to help people who have received telescopes for Christmas (or people who have equipment sitting around unused) to come out and learn how to use their telescopes.

'There is nothing sadder than a telescope sitting in a closet,' Wellington said.

Except for maybe a reporter such as myself, who got this fascinating science of ASTRONOMY mixed up with those 'silly' signs of astrology. Haha! I'm a Sagittarius, what do you expect?

Seeing stars

Stay cheap!

Visit bsasnashville.com for a full list of upcoming Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society Star Parties. Here is a sampling of those parties and other upcoming ASTRONOMY events:

* Long Hunter State Park in Hermitage has a BSAS Star Party from 8 to 10 p.m. Sept. 13.

* Bowie Nature Center in Fairview has two BSAS Star Parties planned: Sept. 26 and Nov. 21, both from 7 to 9 p.m.

* Adventure Science Center has an Astronomy Day with special astronomy activities and a nighttime star party on Oct. 4. Details: www.adventuresci.com.

For details and updates on the above star parties, call the Sudekum Planetarium's Astroline at 615-401-5092.

* Shelby Bottoms Nature Center has a BSAS Star Party at 7 p.m Nov. 1.

* Warner Park Nature Center has an Astronomy Fun Day from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 9, which is targeted to kids ages 6-12. It's free but you need to register at Warner. 615-352-6299

* The Cumberland Astronomical Society in Gallatin has a couple of star parties on its calendar, too: Sept. 6 at Bledsoe Creek State Park and Oct. 25 at Volunteer State Community College. Details: http://ift.tt/1AyagRv.

* There also is a Murfreesboro Astronomy Club that hosts star parties, and there are some star parties through Middle Tennessee State University. Details: http://ift.tt/1uWQL4y.

* Vanderbilt University's Dyer Observatory has open house days the first Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon. Astronomers offer tours and show off the Seyfert Telescope and Star Chamber. Dates include Sept. 2, Oct. 7 and Nov. 4. They also have telescope nights on Sept. 12, Oct. 10 and Nov. 14. These are by online reservation and there is a slight charge. Details: http://ift.tt/1bKt2Mt.

Join the club

* Sudekum Planetarium at the Adventure Science Center is open Tuesday-Sunday. Admission is $6, which is in addition to the Adventure Science Center admission ($13 for adults), or you can get a combo ticket for $17. There is a 'Twilight Discount' after 3 p.m. most days where you can purchase tickets to the 3:30 p.m. Planetarium show for a flat $6, and not have to pay the Adventure Science Center admission. Details: 615-862-5160. There is also lots of ASTRONOMY information on the Sudekum Planetarium website: http://ift.tt/1uWQKxJ.

Named for Nashville astronomers E.E. Barnard (who discovered the fifth moon of Jupiter) and Carl Seyfert (who was on the Vanderbilt faculty and raised the funds to build Dyer Observatory, which he directed), The Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Cumberland Valley Girl Scout Council Building (4522 Granny White Pike) in Nashville.

Experienced members or guest speakers talk about some aspect of astronomy or observation. Subjects range from how the universe formed to how to build your own telescope. You do not have to be a member to attend the meetings, but a membership is just $20 a year. Details: info@bsasnashville.com.


Looking way ahead: Get ready for the total eclipse of the sun. 'For the first time in nearly 100 years, the path of a total eclipse of the sun will cross the entire United States, from Oregon to South Carolina, Aug. 21, 2017. Just north of Nashville will be one of the best places to be, which makes Nashville uniquely placed to host a lot of eclipse chasers,' Theo Wellington said.

Reach Ms. Cheap at 615-259-8282. Follow her at http://ift.tt/1wwXb9L, at Facebook.com/mscheap and on Twitter @Ms_Cheap, and catch her every Thursday at 11 a.m. on WTVF-Channel 5's 'Talk of the Town.'

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