NASA wants to crowd source identifying 1.8 million images

By Carol Christian | August 20, 2014

Photo By CrowdCrafting.Org

NASA finds itself with nearly 1.8 million images taken since the early 1960s. And more are coming in all the time.

So the space agency is asking the public to help identify what's in the photos.

The images can be found on the website The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.

About 1.3 million of the images were taken from the International Space Station, so that's going to be a bunch of Earth poses. Of those, 30 percent were taken at night, leaving someone to figure out which city is which. To a certain extent, one cluster of lights looks like another.

NASA's crowdsourcing project, led by Complutense University of Madrid, is called Cities at Night. It includes three 'citizen scientist' components: Dark Skies of ISS, Night Cities and Lost at Night.

The project's primary goal is producing an atlas of night time images that will be available any time for use by the public, media and scientists, NASA said.

For example, scientists can use colors in images to compare cities' lighting and energy efficiency with their economic health.

Madrid, the capital of economically troubled Spain is much brighter in astronaut images than Berlin, Germany, which has one of the healthiest economies in Europe, according to NASA. The images can provide data to verify whether Germany manages its resources more efficiently than Spain does, NASA said in a news release.

Another potential application is correlating light pollution with effects on human health and biodiversity, the space agency said.

Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 5 1 Name: Germany Count: 2 2 Name: Earth Count: 2 3 Name: Spain Count: 2 4 Name: Europe Count: 1 5 Name: Complutense University of Madrid Count: 1 6 Name: ISS Count: 1 7 Name: Madrid Count: 1 8 Name: Berlin Count: 1 9 Name: Carol Christian Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Image overload: Help us sort it all out, NASA requests Description: (CNN) -- NASA is asking for your help. No, you do not get to go to space. You do, however, get to view hundreds of thousands of images taken from space. Via The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, NASA is making available images ranging from the Mercury missions of the 1960s to photos recently snapped from the International Space Station.

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