NASA Wants You to Sift Through Its Astronauts' Photos

NASA has a problem, and it wants you to help. Since the 50s, it's amassed 1.8 million images of Earth from space-and it needs your assistance in working out exactly what they're of.

As part of The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, NASA is releasing the huge library of images-1.3 million of which have been captured from aboard the International Space Station. Now, it's asking the public to 'help save energy, contribute to better human health and safety and improve our understanding of atmospheric chemistry.' To do that, it's created a crowdsourcing project to help identify the locations depicted in the images. While most of the images are clear, many are partially obscured or taken at night, making it very difficult for computational systems to work out what the image are actually of.

That's where you come in. In a collaboration with The Complutense University of Madrid, NASA wants you to catalog some images. You can help with 'dark skies', 'night cities' or ' lost at night' projects-each featuring right hereimages harder to decode than the last. You can get involved

NASA is asking for your help analyzing hundreds of thousands of images that astronauts have taken... Read moreRead on

Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 4 1 Name: Earth Count: 2 2 Name: Complutense University of Madrid Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: NASA seeks public's help in cataloging millions of night-time images Description: The agency has racked up millions of night-time images, taken from space, over the last 50 years. But it's difficult to identify the exact location of many of the photographs - so citizens are being called on to help determine which slice of the earth each single picture represents.

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