A NASA website again recognizes Jimmy Walker's astrophotography

Jimmy Walker is now a star in his own right, a member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team and No. 19 in the World Ranking, but he continues to receive recognition for his photographs of stars

Here is the website's description of the image: 'These clouds of interstellar dust and gas have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile star fields of the constellation Cepheus...The pretty blue petals of the Iris Nebula span about six light-years.'

A three-foot putt seems rather insignificant in the context of light years.

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Entities 0 Name: Jimmy Walker Count: 1 1 Name: Iris Nebula Count: 1 2 Name: U.S. Count: 1 Related Keywords 0 Name: light-years Score: 20 1 Name: cepheus Score: 10 2 Name: three-foot Score: 10 3 Name: johnstrege Score: 10 4 Name: star Score: 9 5 Name: iris Score: 8 6 Name: nebula Score: 8 7 Name: petals Score: 8 8 Name: insignificant Score: 7 9 Name: blossomed Score: 7 Authors Media Images 0

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