Sex, Lies and Science: How a Toronto

In the imaginary ideal world of American sociologist Eric Anderson, married people would be allowed sexual affairs. Freed from the social stigma of adultery, they would do it openly, rather than resort to such tawdry behaviour as arranging trysts on websites with horny strangers.

'I'm trying to put Ashley Madison out of business,' said Prof. Anderson, who teaches at the University of Winchester in England and is also 'Chief Science Officer' for the Toronto-based dating website, which facilitates extramarital affairs. 'I don't think I'm going to win this war. I think the dominant culture is doing just fine in stigmatizing people who want sex outside of their relationship as perverts. But my goal really is to put Ashley Madison out of business.'

In the meantime, his job as chief science officer is to promote Ashley Madison by offering other researchers free access to its subscription data and chat records, so they too can probe the mysteries of online infidelity. His success in this role has landed him smack in the middle of social science's credibility crisis.

On Monday, Prof. Anderson will present a paper at the American Sociological Association conference in San Francisco whose title borrows Ashley Madison's slogan: 'Life is Short, Have an Affair: Middle-Age Women and Extra-Marital Affairs.'

In it, he analyzes covertly observed conversations between 100 women on the site and their potential male partners, and claims to show the women do this not because they are unhappy with their husbands or wish for divorce, but simply because of 'a lack of romantic passion and sex in their marriages.'

These women claimed to want both the affair and the marriage, so he concludes 'these data call for a more complex view of cheating and affairs than society currently permits.' It ends by denouncing the 'hegemonic control' of monogamy and calling for it to be overthrown.

The paper was not peer reviewed, and was rejected for publication by the American Sociological Review. It is to be submitted elsewhere.

'You can only get so much excitement out of sex with the same person, and all of the efforts to spice it up will only go so far,' Prof. Anderson said in an interview.

The 'monogamy myth' of eternally fulfilling sex with one's spouse 'is a very damaging myth because people believe that when they stop having sex, that the love in the relationship has worn out, and what I argue is that it's just the opposite, that when they stop having sex, the relationship has just begun. Once you've stopped having sex with your partner, now you're in a relationship for the appropriate reasons, the emotional, social connection, the history that the couple have together.'

As a piece of marketing bumph, focused on women in particular, the paper fits with Ashley Madison's priorities. The company's image was recently threatened, for example, by a lawsuit from an ex employee who alleged she was ordered to create fake profiles of women to attract men as customers. From that perspective, hiring an academic to present friendly research about female customers at a serious conference makes good business sense.

As proper science, however, the acceptance of this business-friendly research (it was promoted as a conference highlight) reveals the awkwardness of social science's unique perch in academia, halfway between the humanities and traditional science.

It is a particularly bothersome problem given the current state of social science research, which is in a great credibility crisis. Part of this is the so-called replication crisis, in which many of social psychology's experimental findings are starting to look like unrepeatable one-offs, a problem foreseen in 2012 by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, who warned of a 'train wreck looming' unless stricter research methods are adopted. Part of it is the difficulty of proving deep and complex theories about human social behaviour using the traditional tools of statistical analysis. And part of it is the ease by which bogus research can be passed off as legitimate science.

This is not research. It is embarrassing for serious sociologists to see this crap. It wasn't published for good reason.

In such a climate, letting hucksters into academic conferences to promote their employer's sex websites with half-baked research on subscription data seems likely to make everything worse.

One leading sociologist who is attending the ASA conference, for example, dismissed the Ashley Madison research as 'unethical,' 'ridiculous' 'crap.'

'This is not research,' said Robert Andersen, chair of sociology at the University of Toronto. 'It is embarrassing for serious sociologists to see this crap. It wasn't published for good reason.'

After reviewing the paper, he said the data collection was unethical, and the analysis was 'obviously geared towards finding results that he wants.'

The sample is 'biased towards those who cheat but want to stay married, though the results are presented as reflecting the attitudes and behaviours of all cheaters,' Prof. Andersen said. 'Most important, there is no indication that their sample is even representative of the Ashley Madison population. That is, there is no indication that it was a random sample.'

Annette Lareau, president of the American Sociological Association and a social scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, said the conference is a place for testing ideas in a free and collaborative environment. She dismissed concerns about conflict of interest.

She gave the example of researchers employed by non-profits or government agencies, such as Department of Labor researchers using government data. Private companies like Ashley Madison are 'a different ilk,' she said, but sociological insights can be useful to them also, as Google and Facebook have already recognized.

'The fact that it's a paid employee using data from a website does not automatically create a conflict of interest, in my view,' Prof. Lareau said. 'The quality of the research certainly needs to be scrutinized most carefully, and that's the purpose of the [ASA] meetings.'

Prof. Anderson said he did the research before Ashley Madison hired him, and that this absolves any conflict. And no matter whether he finds a publisher for his article, he said it shows how all publicity is good publicity.

'It's not important for Ashley Madison what the research says,' Prof. Anderson said. 'As long as the name Ashley Madison gets out there, people go to the website.'

National Post Entities 0 Name: Ashley Madison Count: 11 1 Name: Anderson Count: 5 2 Name: American Sociological Association Count: 2 3 Name: Daniel Kahneman Count: 1 4 Name: Annette Lareau Count: 1 5 Name: England Count: 1 6 Name: Eric Anderson Count: 1 7 Name: American Count: 1 8 Name: Andersen Count: 1 9 Name: academia Count: 1 10 Name: American Sociological Review Count: 1 11 Name: University of Toronto Count: 1 12 Name: University of Pennsylvania Count: 1 13 Name: Lareau Count: 1 14 Name: Robert Andersen Count: 1 15 Name: Department of Labor Count: 1 16 Name: ASA Count: 1 17 Name: San Francisco Count: 1 18 Name: University of Winchester Count: 1 19 Name: Google Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics Description: Scholars are exhilarated by the prospect of tapping into the vast troves of personal data collected by Facebook, Google, Amazon and a host of start-ups, which they say could transform social science research. Once forced to conduct painstaking personal interviews with subjects, scientists can now sit at a screen and instantly play with the digital experiences of millions of Internet users.

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