24 May 2015 in News: Hubble observes one-of-a-kind star nicknamed 'Nasty 1′ - Astronomy Now Online

Astronomy Now Online24 May 2015 in News: Hubble observes one-of-a-kind star nicknamed 'Nasty 1′Astronomy Now OnlineAstronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have uncovered surprising new clues about a hefty, rapidly aging star whose behaviour has never been seen before in our Milky Way galaxy. In fact, the star is so weird that astronomers have nicknamed it ...Hubble telescope observes freaky antics of 'Nasty 1' starCNETNasty 1: Hubble Uncovers Surprising New Clues about Unique Wolf-Rayet StarSci-News.comAstronomers Use Hubble To Investigate A 'Nasty' Star In A Binary SystemSTGISTGizmodo -Clapwayall 145 news articles »

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