NASA's two choices for asteroid mission - Florida Today

One option for the Asteroid Redirect Mission, or ARM, would capture a small asteroid up to about 32 feet in diameter. The other would pluck a loose boulder from the surface of a larger asteroid.

A meeting this week will determine what kind of asteroid astronauts might take a chisel to in a decade or so, if NASA succeeds in capturing such a target for human exploration missions.

Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot on Tuesday will choose between two options for the robotic spacecraft that would attempt to capture the rock and haul it back near the moon where astronauts could reach it in Orion, the capsule NASA test flew (without a crew) for the first time Dec. 5 .

One option for the Asteroid Redirect Mission, or ARM, would capture a small asteroid up to about 32 feet in diameter. The other would pluck a loose boulder from the surface of a larger asteroid.

Key to the decision, Lightfoot told a group of reporters recently at Kennedy Space Center, would be which option best tested technologies and operations that will be needed for an eventual journey to Mars or one of its moons.

'We really think if we can bring this asteroid back into this area around the moon, we'll have plenty of things we can prove, all that will have to be extensible to a mission to Mars at some point,' said Lightfoot.

The proposed ARM mission has skeptics in Congress and among scientists, but would give astronauts something interesting to do in Orion after its launch from Kennedy Space Center by the new Space Launch System rocket.

Orion can only fly missions lasting about three weeks, so it can't get to an asteroid in its 'native' deep space orbit, a mission Lightfoot said would take two years going out and two in.

'So that's a four-year mission, and we just don't have the systems ready to go do that kind of mission,' he said.

Without a lander, moon landings are not an option, and NASA says that would only be a distraction from its long-range goal of reaching Mars by the 2030s.

'For us the focus has got to be extensibility to Mars,' said Lightfoot. 'And if I'm building systems that are specific to the moon, that's systems I'm not building to get to Mars.'

The robotic spacecraft envisioned to capture the asteroid will be powered primarily by solar energy, a technology NASA says will be essential to robotically staging supplies on Mars in advance of a human mission.

So even if the spacecraft whiffs on the asteroid or can't pry off a boulder, the ARM mission could prove out an important system in space.

'That's one of the reasons we love this potential mission,' said Lightfoot.

If successful, NASA says the ARM mission will also test techniques that could be used to deflect an asteroid that threatened Earth, offer a sample for science research, and provide valuable operational experience.

The planned mission would fly two astronauts who would perform one or two spacewalks. Orion is designed to carry four, but mass will be reserved for mission-specific equipment, including a kit to repressurize the capsule after spacewalks, and for asteroid samples to be returned.

The timing of a human visit depends on which asteroid ultimately is pursued and when it becomes reachable, likely not before the mid-2020s. That means NASA will likely fly at least one or two flights with a crew before then.

Those flights also would likely be in the vicinity of the moon, which NASA calls its exploration 'proving ground' - days farther from home than the International Space Station, but not as risky as trying to send people straight to Mars.

This week's decision will prompt additional study leading up to a more thorough Mission Concept Review in February. That should give the go-ahead to start work on the robotic spacecraft and set a price tag for the asteroid mission, now estimated at $1.2 billion, not including launch vehicles.

Hot stuff

Moon Express, a Silicon Valley startup performing tests at Kennedy Space Center's shuttle runway, on Tuesday reported a successful engine firing of its prototype moon lander.

The 'hot fire' test on a simulated moonscape was a step toward launching a small, flying saucer-like spacecraft to the moon that could win the company the $20 million Google Lunar X Prize by 2016.

The KSC tests are expected to continue through this week. Moon Express is considering establishing a long-term presence at the spaceport.

AP's Dunn honored

For the second year in a row, a Space Coast journalist has received the National Space Club's Press Award.

The club last week announced the would go to Cocoa Beach resident and longtime Associated Press correspondent Marcia Dunn, following Merritt island resident and CBS News correspondent Bill Harwood's win last year.

Dunn was recognized 'for her work covering the space beat for the AP for nearly a quarter-century,' including 99 space shuttle missions through the last one in July 2011. Dunn has been a Knight Science Journalism fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was featured in a Sally Ride Science series of career books for students, 'Cool Careers in Space Sciences.'

The press award and others will be bestowed March 13 at the club's 58th Annual Goddard Memorial Dinner in Washington, D.C.

New Horizons ends nap

Nearly nine years after its launch from Cape Canaveral, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft recently was awakened from its latest hibernation to prepare for next year's encounter with Pluto.

'This is a watershed event that signals the end of New Horizons crossing of a vast ocean of space to the very frontier of our solar system, and the beginning of the mission's primary objective: the exploration of Pluto and its many moons in 2015,' said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colo., in a statement.

New Horizons' Pluto observations will begin Jan. 15, with a closest approach expected July 14.

Contact Dean 321-242-3668 or Follow on Twitter at @flatoday_jdean.

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Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 8 1 Name: moon Count: 5 2 Name: Lightfoot Count: 5 3 Name: Orion Count: 4 4 Name: Dunn Count: 3 5 Name: New Horizons Count: 3 6 Name: Pluto Count: 3 7 Name: Moon Express Count: 2 8 Name: AP Count: 2 9 Name: ARM Count: 2 10 Name: Cocoa Beach Count: 1 11 Name: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Count: 1 12 Name: Marcia Dunn Count: 1 13 Name: Google Lunar Count: 1 14 Name: KSC Count: 1 15 Name: Space Coast Count: 1 16 Name: Associated Press Count: 1 17 Name: Southwest Research Institute Count: 1 18 Name: Merritt Count: 1 19 Name: Congress Count: 1 20 Name: Colo. Count: 1 21 Name: Bill Harwood Count: 1 22 Name: Knight Science Journalism Count: 1 23 Name: Kennedy Space Center Count: 1 24 Name: Alan Stern Count: 1 25 Name: D.C. Count: 1 26 Name: CBS News Count: 1 27 Name: Robert Lightfoot Count: 1 28 Name: Silicon Valley Count: 1 29 Name: Cape Canaveral Count: 1 30 Name: National Space Club Count: 1 31 Name: Washington Count: 1 32 Name: Sally Ride Science Count: 1 33 Name: Earth Count: 1 34 Name: Boulder Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon Description: On December 11, 1972, Apollo 17 touched down on the Moon. This was not only our final Moon landing, but the last time we left Low Earth Orbit. With the successful launch of the Orion capsule, NASA is finally poised to go further again.

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