"It's Like Harry Potter for People Who Thought Harry Potter Had Too Much ... - Slate Magazine (blog)

Photo by Comedy Central, from the video

My love for Stephen Colbert increased by another huge jump today* when I saw this clip of him talking about what the Republican win of the Senate means for science.

Every time I hear Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) talk about climate change being a hoax I wonder where the line is between blindingly ideological denial and crackpottery... and which side his head is buried in.

And he's a favorite to be the chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee.

My colleague Eric Holthaus sees some hope in the future about the way climate was treated in this election. As for me, well, not so much. But at least this means we can count on a lot more funny clips from Colbert over the next few years distracting us from the sound of the science being dismantled on Capitol Hill.

* He now melts my heart at roughly the equivalent rate of global ice currently melting into the oceans. Entities 0 Name: Senate Count: 1 1 Name: Capitol Hill Count: 1 2 Name: Colbert Count: 1 3 Name: James Inhofe Count: 1 4 Name: Eric Holthaus Count: 1 5 Name: Stephen Colbert Count: 1 6 Name: Environment and Public Works Committee Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1tm1Lm8 Title: Colbert Calls Out Republicans' 'I'm Not A Scientist' Excuse Description: Posted: "You don't have to worry about global warming anymore, because the Senate sure won't," Stephen Colbert quipped on Thursday's "The Colbert Report." Colbert slammed many Republicans' position on climate change after they gained a majority in the U.S. Senate in Tuesday's election.

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