Pinkston Middle School students display their projects at annual science fair
Pinkston Middle School students headed for the school's gym Thursday, but not for PE class or sports. Instead of balls, there were science projects running up and down the court as students turned out to see the science fair.
Approximately 265 students took part in this year's science fair. Their experiments were in one of four categories: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth/Environmental Science and Technology/Engineering. Classes took turns visiting the fair throughout the day.
'The kids seem more excited this year,' said Elise Biggs, seventh-grade science teacher. 'They just seem really interested this year.'
This is the third year for the science fair, according to Biggs. She said the students get their information around the second week of school. Biggs said the students spend approximately two months on their projects. Those who opt not to do a project can do an alternative project, such as oral presentations.
'The kids seem more excited this year. They just seem really interested this year. '
Elise Biggs, seventh-grade science teacher
The projects are set up to coincide with parent-teacher conferences so the parents can come in and browse the projects for themselves. After the conferences end, the projects are taken down and the gym is cleared.
'I think it kind of piques their interest how many things apply to science,' Biggs said of the science fair. She said when students return to class after the fair, they're still talking about the projects.
Autumn McFarland, 12, a Pinkston student, makes an observation at Thursday's science fair. (Photo: Kaitlyn Schwers/The Baxter Bulletin )
Projects can take a wide variety of forms. They range from hooking up potatoes with wires, building a hovercraft, or, in the case with one student, shooting guns.
'I tested if an air soft bullet was faster than a BB bullet,' John-Carl Laidler, 12, a seventh-grader.
Laidler said air soft bullets can be powered by electricity, battery or CO2 cartridges. He said there were several variables and that the guns could have different kinds of ammo.
'I learned more about averaging,' Laidler said. 'I fired 20 shots with the air soft bullets and only three with the BB. Each time I timed it, and I could tell from sound and the timer I used, (I learned) about the time it took to hit the target I was using. I wrote them all down and averaged them up - that helped me a lot.'
One student observed the growth of inorganic material.
'It's crystal growth in different lighting environments such as UV, normal lighting and darkness,' said seventh-grader Olivia Posey, 12. 'I think it's the temperature that affects the growth instead of the light. We find UV works the best, and that's because it has either the highest temperature or the lowest temperature.'
Posey said she got the crystals from a kit.
'They're learning the scientific method and how it can be applied to different situations in their world. '
Roger Fisher, science teacher
Another student used household items anyone could find in the kitchen for her experiment.
'I did 'How does the amount of baking soda change a chocolate chip cookie?' ' said Abby Dietsche, 12. 'I learned that the more baking soda (you use), the more it's going to make the cookie crumbly and darker.'
Dietsche said she learned that the experiment is going to help her remember the scientific method - which is the goal of the fair.
'They're learning the scientific method and how it can be applied to different situations in their world,' said science teacher Roger Fisher.
Fisher said like scientists in the outside world, they're identifying variables, forming hypotheses and designing experiments to test their hypotheses. He said after the tests, they analyze the data and reach conclusions.
'Some found out they were wrong and that's OK,' Fisher said. 'That's what scientists do.'
Fisher said the students will be able to apply the problem-solving skills they learn with their experiments to things that come later in life.
Biggs said these experiments just don't help kids gain a better understanding of science, it also helps them with math and literacy.
'One of the most important things is that it causes them to think,' Biggs said. 'Going through the scientific method - they can take those steps and apply them to almost everything they do. Whether it's their school work with organization or when they see something and ask 'why?' This can help them figure out 'why.' '
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Entities 0 Name: Biggs Count: 5 1 Name: Fisher Count: 3 2 Name: Roger Fisher Count: 2 3 Name: Pinkston Middle School Count: 2 4 Name: Elise Biggs Count: 2 5 Name: Laidler Count: 2 6 Name: Dietsche Count: 1 7 Name: Kaitlyn Count: 1 8 Name: Abby Dietsche Count: 1 9 Name: Life Science Count: 1 10 Name: Posey Count: 1 11 Name: Olivia Posey Count: 1 12 Name: Earth\/Environmental Science Count: 1 13 Name: John-Carl Laidler Count: 1 14 Name: McFarland Count: 1 15 Name: PE Count: 1 16 Name: Physical Science Count: 1 17 Name: Pinkston Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Putting students in charge to close the achievement gap - The Hechinger Report Description: In an 11th-grade English class at Pittsfield Middle High School in rural New Hampshire, Jenny Wellington's students were gathered in a circle debating Henry David Thoreau's positions on personal responsibility. "Do you think Thoreau really was about 'every man for himself'?" asked one 16-year-old boy.
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