Making ice cream is science lesson in Paradise Valley - Arizona Republic

Paradise Valley first-graders have a sweet new class to take.

Beginning Friday, about 2,000 students will learn scientific concepts through the art of making ice cream - from the cow to the cone.

The four-week program will teach every first-grader in the Paradise Valley Unified School District at the same time using a combination of live video communication with farmers and ice cream-making experts and hands-on classroom lessons.

Students will watch a video demonstrating one part of the process for making ice cream and then submit questions to the presenters, who are linked to the classroom in a Skype-like format. Students then complete a hands-on lesson, including building cow puppets that incorporate their four stomachs and conducting an experiment with heated and cooled water bottles to understand molecular expansion.

The first day begins at the farm. Students will watch a video tracking the Superstition Farm owner's job managing the farm and working with the animals.

The hope is to show kids that 'there is science in farming. It's not just putting on overalls,' said Michael Linn, the community education director.

The Arizona Farm Bureau will take the second Friday by teaching kids about pasteurizing and homogenizing milk, followed by the owner of Sweet Republic, who teaches kids about the chemistry behind great flavors, on the third Friday.

Sub Zero Ice Cream will round out the program by teaching kids about liquid nitrogen, which is used to achieve drastic temperature changes needed during ice-cream production.

The district launched a pilot program last year that included 1,000 students who enrolled across the state for an after-school class.

'There was enough science and enough fun - it was that perfect double scoop,' Linn said.

Casey Stechnij, owner of Superstition Farm in Mesa, using hand held technology to operate his farm.(Photo: Paradise Valley Schools)

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Entities 0 Name: Michael Linn Count: 1 1 Name: Sweet Republic Count: 1 2 Name: Casey Stechnij Count: 1 3 Name: Paradise Valley Schools Count: 1 4 Name: Arizona Farm Bureau Count: 1 5 Name: Paradise Valley Count: 1 6 Name: Linn Count: 1 7 Name: Mesa Count: 1 Related Keywords 0 Name: farm Score: 34 1 Name: students Score: 20 2 Name: first-grader Score: 20 3 Name: paradise Score: 20 4 Name: teaching Score: 20 5 Name: hands-on Score: 20 6 Name: ice Score: 19 7 Name: superstition Score: 18 8 Name: cream Score: 18 9 Name: linn Score: 17 Authors Media Images 0

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