'Science' Center Teaches Boys Rocketry, Girls Makeup. Internet Certain To Be ... - Wonkette (satire)

You know what kids love? Kids love science! Science is exciting, and it builds critical thinking skills, and it's actually more than just a little bit fun if you have an engaging teacher and cool things to do! And if you're a girl in Pittsburgh, you can actually get your Girl Scouts science badge at the one solitary science workshop that the Carnegie Science Center offers, which is available on just one day, which... hey, what's the freaking deal here, Carnegie Science Center? Looks like you have loads of science workshops for Boy Scouts at different levels of scouting, and one lousy workshop for girls?

Fine, what will we learn at this workshop? The boys have some general science workshops for each age group and then additional stuff like a weather workshop, or for Webelos, an engineering workshop, or for older scouts, there's chemistry, engineering, and astronomy, though it looks like Robotics got canceled. Still, we bet that since the Girl Scout workshop is the only one available, it has a whole bunch of stuff crammed into it, to get girls excited about science, right? RIGHT?

Science With a Sparkle

Prepare to be dazzled! Dive into chemistry and learn how science relates to health and beauty products. Become a cosmetic chemist and concoct your own creations to take home.

It's as if a million nerdgirls cried out, and were silenced.

Carnegie Science Center, you fail hard. Now, we are willing to give you a teensy bit of benefit of the doubt as far as the number of classes go. Maybe Girl Scouting in Pittsburgh just doesn't have the numbers of participants that Boy Scouting does. And yes, you do have a few other science programs aimed at girls, which aren't restricted to scouting, so there's that, plus a page listing external websites, for outreach. And those science sleepovers are a nifty idea, too.

But... makeup? Mortar-flickin' makeup is the focus of your science workshop for Girl Scouts? At a time when one of the biggest topics in science education is how to make science interesting to girls, and careers in Science, Technology, Electronics, and Math (STEM) more attractive to young women, you're offering MAKEUP? Look, we won't even ask you to join the 21st century all at once - but could you at least try to emerge from 1958? Shoot for the 1980s at least. Sally Ride was pretty cool, after all.

Get your act together, Carnegie Science Center. You're smart people, and you can do a lot better. We bet there are even some lady scientists in the Pittsburgh area you could talk to, if you just tried.

[ Carnegie Science Center / Tishka Miller on Facebook]

Entities 0 Name: Carnegie Science Center Count: 4 1 Name: Pittsburgh Count: 3 2 Name: Robotics Count: 1 3 Name: Sally Ride Count: 1 4 Name: Carnegie Science Center \/ Tishka Miller Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1oyIPzJ Title: 12 inspirational quotes from women who rock STEM Description: Editor's note: In celebration of International Day of the Girl (October 11) and Ada Lovelace Day (October 14), Leading Women is devoting the month of October to women and girls in STEM: science, technology, engineering and math. (CNN) -- Girls don't do science. If that's the stereotype, then good luck telling that to these women.

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