Boo! NASA Releases Spooky Photos Of The Sun - E Canada Now

With Halloween only weeks away, NASA has observed the sun through an image, looking similar to a jack-o'-lantern. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory was able to observe, on October 8th, at just the right time, this amazing and coincidental picture. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was able to capture the creepy image, as it's able to watch the sun all the time from where it orbits in outer space.

Regions in the image that are active, appear brighter, since the areas seen tend to emit more light and also energy. These bright spots are markers having an intense and rather complex magnetic field sets, that are hovering in the atmosphere of the sun or the corona. The image combines two extreme ultraviolet wavelength sets that are at 171 and 193 Angstroms. These wavelengths are usually seen in yellow and gold colors which help to make the sun look like a Halloween jack-o'-lantern.

'The active regions appear brighter because those are areas that emit more light and energy - markers of an intense and complex set of magnetic fields hovering in the sun's atmosphere, the corona,' NASA said on its website.

Boo! The sun is looking spooky!

- NASA Goddard Images (@NASAGoddardPix) October 10, 2014

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Although the site is not readily visible by those without the extensive equipment that NASA carries, the picture speaks for itself and has drawn much interest over the web. It's crucial to state that this captured picture just so happens to be a coincidence, and not a mark of sinister upcoming events.

You can grab the full hi-res version of the image here.

Sean Lennox Sean is a London (Ontario) based writer, and has been writing full-time for eCanadNow since May of 2005, covering Canadian topics and world issues. Since 2009, Sean has been the lead editor for eCanadaNow. Prior to his work writing and editing for the eCanadaNow, he worked as a freelancer for several Canadian newspapers.. You can contact Sean at {Sean at] Google

Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 6 1 Name: Solar Dynamics Observatory Count: 2 2 Name: Sean Count: 2 3 Name: Ontario Count: 1 4 Name: Sean Lennox Sean Count: 1 5 Name: London Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: WIRED Space Photo of the Day for October 2014 | WIRED Description: Follow Space Photo of the Day on Twitter The 2013 WIRED Space Photo of the Day Gallery The 2012 WIRED Space Photo of the Day Gallery For caption information and links to high-resolution images, please use the full-screen version of this gallery. For more mind-blowing space photos, see the entire WIRED Space Photo of the...

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