Science Events: Dancing Particle Physics and Science-Inspired Fashion - New York Times

October events at the intersection of science and art. DANCE

Quantum. BAM Fisher, 321 Ashland Place, Brooklyn. Oct. 2-4. $20.

Although the choreographer Gilles Jobin had used sciencey titles like 'A+B=X' and 'Spider Galaxies,' it was not until 2012, when he was an artist-in-residence at the CERN physics laboratory in Switzerland, that he says he began to feel 'science-abled.' Working in a studio above the supercollider, he developed an abstract dance piece that gently riffs on some concepts in particle physics. When the piece comes to the Brooklyn Academy of Music this month before traveling across North and South America, dancers will begin with a subtle jiggling motion that evokes the vibration of subatomic particles, which could be seen as a sort of quantum twerk. Under crackling ambient music assembled from supercollider data by the composer Carla Scaletti, they begin to orbit and swarm, pulled by invisible forces like gravity and magnetism. The spectacle will be lit, somewhat ominously, by lamps that swing on motorized pendulums - a 'lumino-kinetic sculpture' contributed by the German artist Julius von Bismarck. 'You don't have to know anything about physics, it's not a demonstration or explanation of scientific concepts,' Mr. Jobin said. 'Now that I know that everything is moving, that we are mostly made of emptiness, that our bodies are holding together with incredible forces, it feels different to move my body.'


Cerebella Submit: Where Scientists Are Artists. Online Sept. 30 at

When I say 'science' you probably don't think 'neckwear.' But Cerebella Design, a small Vermont company, has been cranking out ties and scarves with microscopic images. Bow ties printed with pollen or starfish eggs might blend right in; scarves with patterns based on tracheas and tapeworms might require a little more nerve. After working mostly with her own photos, the company's founder, Ariele Faber will soon let scientists submit their own. Early entries include snowflakes, brain cells, and human breast tissue growing in a petri dish, milk ducts and all. Ms. Faber is considering branching out to school accessories, medical devices, furniture upholstery and fine art prints, but the goal remains the same: to make the 'the aesthetic experience that comes with specimen observation accessible to scientists and nonscientists alike.'


Where is the Art in Bio Art? School of Visual Arts, Flatiron Gallery, 133/141 West 21st Street, Manhattan. Through Oct. 18; reception at 6 p.m. Oct. 1. Free.

When Shane Boddington was growing up in rural Zimbabwe, he remembers craving an orange to quench his thirst. Now he is trying to splice a citrus gene into a tobacco plant to create a transgenic hybrid that smells like an orange. Mr. Boddington is not a biologist, however: He is an art student at the School of Visual Arts, whose Bio Art Lab was founded in 2011 to help young artists to put down their brushes and work with plants, animals and microbes using techniques like tissue engineering and cloning. At this show, one student will project colorized videos of wiggling ants to show the complexity of the gestural language they use to communicate. Another student has built a machine that makes entrancing mounds of glowing bubbles using a compound found in bioluminescent algae. There are also works from faculty members: Brandon Ballengée will show a skate fish preserved with a 19th-century technique that reveals its inner structure, and the lab's director, Suzanne Anker, will contribute a 3-D replica of an egg in a petri dish with a dead insect. The purpose of bio art is to 'demystify science and turn it into raw material for the practice of art,' Ms. Anker said - art that questions 'what it means to be human at a time when technologies are changing how we reproduce, grow food and make drugs.'

Science Inspires Art: The Brain. New York Hall of Science, Queens. Opens Oct. 11. Adults $11, children and seniors $8.

This Queens art exhibition offers some new ways of looking at that three-pound hunk of jelly in your skull. Some do it with humor: a mock-infographic that shows a brain hinged open to reveal dozens of tiny people scurrying about, and an elegantly staged photograph of a small brain on a dinner plate with serving spoons. Some offer neural self-portraits, like the artist with multiple sclerosis who paints Technicolor versions of her brain scans on silk, and the artist who gives an unsettling depiction of the white 'aura' that appears in her field of vision before a migraine headache. Of the 42 works selected by a gallery director and a neuroscientist, most were from artists, 'perhaps because entries from scientists tend to be too didactic,' said Cynthia Pannucci, the founder and director of Art & Science Collaborations Inc., who organized the exhibition. Among the most moving, however, were those that simply show the anatomy, such as 'Cortical Columns,' a haunting panel by the neuroscientist-turned-painter Greg Dunn, who uses gold and silver powders, ink and dye to render nerve cells in all their branchiness, like saplings waiting for winter.

Entities 0 Name: School of Visual Arts Count: 2 1 Name: Queens Count: 2 2 Name: Gilles Jobin Count: 1 3 Name: Bio Art Count: 1 4 Name: Boddington Count: 1 5 Name: Cerebella Design Count: 1 6 Name: Manhattan Count: 1 7 Name: Brooklyn Academy of Music Count: 1 8 Name: Ariele Faber Count: 1 9 Name: North Count: 1 10 Name: Art & Science Collaborations Inc. Count: 1 11 Name: Greg Dunn Count: 1 12 Name: Brooklyn Count: 1 13 Name: Zimbabwe Count: 1 14 Name: Brandon Ballengée Count: 1 15 Name: Fisher Count: 1 16 Name: Cynthia Pannucci Count: 1 17 Name: Ashland Place Count: 1 18 Name: Vermont Count: 1 19 Name: Jobin Count: 1 20 Name: Faber Count: 1 21 Name: Anker Count: 1 22 Name: New York Hall of Science Count: 1 23 Name: Switzerland Count: 1 24 Name: South America Count: 1 25 Name: Bio Art Lab Count: 1 26 Name: CERN Count: 1 27 Name: Shane Boddington Count: 1 28 Name: Suzanne Anker Count: 1 29 Name: Carla Scaletti Count: 1 30 Name: Julius von Bismarck Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Watch Cate Blanchett Answer the Question "What the Hell Can You Do with an Arts Degree?" Description: Artfully Done Have you ever had a parent or loved one look at you askance, because of your degree in the arts? Maybe you're a student who has yet to break the news to them.

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