This attention-worthy article in The Hollywood Reporter signals that Hollywood people are ready and willing to do something about their longevity. The article mentions hormone replacement therapy, different check-ups and other things available in California, however completely misses 99% of what actually can be done about aging - science.
Why doesn't the author talk about the work done at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, USC, UCLA and Stanford University?
People are looking for a ready solution, something that they can do today, and mistakenly dismiss science completely, because they think it is too far away for being applied to them. Well, this is a wrong approach. Science can be applied to a particular person's health.
It is called personalized science. It means that we can treat a given person's health as a scientific task. There already are several examples for personalized science in action.
Martine Rothblatt created a pharma company to invent a cure for her daughter Jenesis's rare disease primary pulmonary hypertension, she hired the best researcher in that area back in 1996 and they created the pill that significantly improved the well-being of these patients including her daughter. This venture turned out to be quite profitable as well as being life-saving.
The other example is Michael Snyder and his recent attempt to analyze 'omits' data about himself. Dr. Snyder is the Head of Genetics Department at Stanford University. He was measuring 40,000 parameters and by analyzing all this health data, his team managed to spot the onset of type 2 diabetes way earlier than he would have noticed it using conventional methods.
So, there is so much that can be done using scientific approach to health. It is not cheap, and at this point of time this kind of personalized science is for the wealthy, however the Hollywood Reporter article is exactly for this kind of crowd, it describes quite expensive health services that don't necessarily yield results.
I believe the message that science is a very powerful tool to increase longevity has to be brought to the general public, especially here in California where a great number of outstanding aging research facilities are situated.
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