Why did NASA turn the cameras off? Live feed from Space Station shows UFO ...

We're not saying it was aliens...

Fans of the International Space Station got an eyeful recently when an alleged UFO appeared on NASA's live feed from the station. Curiously, the feed was interrupted as soon as the object appeared fueling rumors that NASA is engaged in a cover-up.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - The Daily Mail reports International Space Station watchers spotted something very unusual in the live feed from NASA. According to them, a UFO was spotted from orbit, but the NASA feed was mysteriously cut off during the sighting. On August 4, as many as three different video feeds taken from the International Space Station (ISS), appear to show mysterious, glowing objects in space. Thousands of Iraqi Christians still need your help, join us in 'Prayer and Action' today!The first object was spotted by Scott Waring on August 4, who lives in Taiwan and was enjoying the sights online when he said he noticed something unusual. 'I took a screenshot of the UFO and enlarged it,' he told the Huston Chronicle. 'It has a long line down its middle and a dome on its top.'He went on to explain that NASA immediately cut the video feed. 'NASA did go bluescreen as soon as they noticed the UFO. When they brought the cam back online again, the UFO was gone.'View the YouTube here. Is there an Earthly explanation of this sighting?Another blogger who goes by the handle 'Streetcap1' also saw the objects and took screen captures of them on his computer. After hearing about Waring's sighting, he shared the images. Streetcap1 also posted a video that shows four lights fading away in the distance. NASA has not made any comment yet, or explained why the video feed went dark. It certainly seems suspicious. They could have down-to-earth reasons for cutting the feed. If, for example, a problem develops on the ISS, they may not want any video feed showing an anomaly to alarm the public while they work a possible problem.

It is widely speculated that life exists within our own galaxy, including intelligent life. However, there is no credible evidence that such life has ever visited Earth. In fact, there's no credible evidence life exists elsewhere -just mathematical probability.

It's more than likely the video from the feed shows venting gasses or paint chips coming off the ISS and they only appear mysterious to eyes that want to believe. Without a report from NASA however, UFO enthusiasts are left to speculate and the rest of us, to wonder in amazement.

Is there something they're not telling us?


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Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 11 1 Name: Catholic Online Count: 6 2 Name: LOS ANGELES Count: 5 3 Name: Oceania Count: 2 4 Name: ISS Count: 2 5 Name: Xiaomi Count: 2 6 Name: Huston Chronicle Count: 1 7 Name: Hubble Space Telescope Count: 1 8 Name: Waring Count: 1 9 Name: Scott Waring Count: 1 10 Name: Mac Count: 1 11 Name: ESA Count: 1 12 Name: Earth Count: 1 13 Name: Taiwan Count: 1 14 Name: Saturn Count: 1 15 Name: Jean-Jacques Dordain Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1sI5Ea7 Title: Vote for NASA Panels at South by Southwest Description: image-50] We need your help! There are a number of exciting panels proposed for next year's South by Southwest festival in Austin. This Interactive Festival is focused on gathering stakeholders to share new ideas and new technologies in our lives.

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