What Is Science?

Carl Sagan famously defined science by saying, 'Science, more than a body of knowledge, is a way of thinking.' How do you define science?

Whether your definition is borrowed from someone else or one you crafted on your own, whether it's a quote, an illustration, a joke, an experiment, or just a way of defining it that makes sense to you, whether it's pithy or long-winded, tell us in the comments: What is science?

Image: Artist's concept of Voyager in flight / NASA-JPL. Entities 0 Name: Carl Sagan Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1tRxzla Title: Cool Videos: Accelerating Discoveries Toward Better Health Description: One of the biggest challenges in biomedical research today is breaking down the barriers that slow the translation of new scientific discoveries into treatments and cures. Today's video drives home that point through a parody of the Emmy Award-winning TV series, "Breaking Bad." Shot in Albuquerque by the University of New Mexico's Clinical and Translational...

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