Science says you don't need to thaw your steaks

America's Test Kitchen decided to test a rather obvious question: should you thaw frozen steaks before cooking? Of course you should, right?


Wrong. In their tests, the frozen steaks take a bit longer to cook (of course), but they sear perfectly, they lost less moisture than the thawed steaks, and they won the taste test. It's nice when science comes out on the side of convenience.

Entities 0 Name: America Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Science: Cooking Frozen Steaks Description: Buy our book: The Science of Good Cooking by the Editors of Cook's Illustrated: Conventional wisdom holds that frozen steaks should be thawed before cooking, but we wondered if steaks could be cooked straight from the freezer. Cook's Illustrated Senior Editor Dan Souza explains our cooking experiments.

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