Science Continues To Show Us How To Be More Creative

Can we detach from our reality? (Artwork by George Petrakes)

Last year I compiled a list of scientific findings around the topic of creativity in my post, ' Multiple Creativity Studies Suggest: Creating Our Reality Requires Detaching From It.' In it I suggested a grand theory on the topic:

Studies on coffee shop noise, daydreaming, freestyle rappers' brains, ADHD, dim lighting, alcohol, all of it. They are all very different studies testing very different creativity influences, but are unified, I believe, in that they all describe a different way to detach from reality, or successfully inhibit our logic force.

Creative forces increase as our logic forces become distracted or otherwise less present. In short, to create our world, we must detach from it. For more on that theory, I recommend you start with the first article linked above.

Now, fast forward one year and I've discovered even more fascinating scientific studies on creativity. What we are seeing are even more tangible ways to trick ourselves into being more creative by getting ourselves - or, our reality - out of the way.

Below are brief descriptions of these new studies (some just new to me) that support my 'Detachment' theory. I have provided links to the actual studies, or articles about them, for more details.

Creativity Studies, Part II:

Creativity happens at non-optimal times. (details here) We all have optimal times for complex cognitive tasks. I'm more of a morning person, you may be an afternoon or evening person. Now, it would stand to reason that our levels of creativity would map to our optimal cognitive times of day. Turns out, it's just the opposite. Psychologist Mareike Wieth and her colleagues conducted a study and found that solving problems that require creativity were more easily solved when people are least alert. Writer and Psychology Professor at the University of Chicago, Sian Beilock, explains it this way:

Sometimes people's ability to think about information in new and unusual ways can actually be hampered when they wield too much brainpower.

Great example of detaching from reality here. In this case, the fatigue that limits our brainpower from getting in the way of creativity.

Being painfully bored yields more creative thinking. (details here) This study from the University Of Central Lancaster bored participants silly by making them copy down phone numbers from a phonebook, among other things. When compared to a control group who did not have to face the boring task, evidence of 'divergent thinking' (scientific way of saying creativity) was significantly greater in those who first completed the boring task.

The conclusion from the study is that the daydreaming caused by the boring task was the creative catalyst. That may be, but to me the menial task of copying down phone numbers the logic force a false sense of security. The boring task allowed the logic force to go back into its logical shell. Nothing to see here. And with the logic force off guard, these participants were open to more divergent thinking immediately following the boring task. Reality detached.

Messy workspaces increase creativity.(details here) University of Minnesota researchers, Kathleen D. Vohs, Joseph P. Redden, and Ryan Rahinel, have proven through a unique study that a chaotic (read, messy) environment can improve creativity. They asked two groups of college students to individually conduct a creative exercise that involved dreaming up new applications for the ping-pong ball. One group was in a messy room. The other in a perfectly straight and orderly room. The group who performed in the messy room showed significantly greater creativity than the group in the room that was neat as a pin. The researchers concluded,

Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights.

Or it might be that their logic forces were overwhelmed by the mess and shut down, leaving their creative abilities to their own devices. Funny how easy it can be to subdue creativity's kryptonite. Reality detached.

Walking increase creativity.(details here) Here's a study from Stanford doctoral grad, Marily Oppezzo, and Daniel Schwartz, a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Eduction, that shows that the simple act of walking can dramatically increase creativity. The study divided participants into various conditions: walking indoors on a treadmill, sitting indoors, walking outdoors, sitting outdoors while being pushed in a wheelchair (to eliminate the variable of 'being outdoors'). Each group was asked to perform a creative task. Turns out, the creative output for those walking (even indoors on a treadmill) increased by as much as 60%.

To me, this study addresses any menial task - taking a shower, running, chopping wood, washing dishes, etc. I've heard many people wonder why ideas hit them while doing 'something else.' I would suggest that these menial tasks, including walking, give our logic forces something to do. Occupied, our creativity is free to take over. Reality detached.

Mild psychosis liberates creativity.(details here) Creativity is a result of putting things together that are not obvious. In the case of comedians, what we find as funny is usually the result of the comic's ability to make such absurd, but truthful, connections. Oxford University conducted a study of 404 male and 119 female comedians to asses their personality types. Turns out, comedians scored 'significantly higher on all four types of psychotic personality traits' (including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia). That's not to say all comedians are nuts. The study does say that full blown bipolar disorder or schizophrenia decreases creativity. So it's the mild forms that prove creatively potent.

For more on this study as it relates to Robin Williams' recent passing, see fellow contributor, Alice Walton's, ' Robin Williams' Death Underscores Connection Between Creativity, Depression And Addiction.'

Comics, particularly of the improv sort, are the epitome of creativity to me. Is there a better example of detaching from reality than mild psychoses? Reality detached.

You may want to sit down for this one. It's mighty.(details here) Could it be that consciousness is an electromagnetic field separate from our brains? That's what Professor Johnjoe McFadden, from the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences at the University of Surrey, is theorizing. Neuroscientists recognize that brain activity that we're aware of (consciousness) is different from the activities driving unconscious actions (like your ability to read this, walking, putting a blinker on, etc.). But they don't know why. McFadden theorizes that we all have a separate electromagnetic field surrounding our brains that is essentially our conscious will.

Click the link above for more details. It's complex. But if it's true that consciousness is separate from our brains, might that be further proof that what I'm calling 'logic' may just be our brains. And what I'm calling 'creativity' may just be this separate electromagnetic field? I know, it's heady stuff. But my point is, it could be that our nature already has us detached from our reality (as this electromagnetic field), if we can only allow it to flourish.

What's it all mean?

My takeaway with all of these studies is that my creativity, your creativity, and everyone else's creativity is not a fixed sum. If we can find ways to subdue our logic forces, then our creative forces will have room to breathe.

What these studies give us is an arsenal of tools to choose from to do just that. Some may work for you, some may not, but try a few (list is from this and my previous post):

Walk when you need ideas - anywhere Allow your creativity spaces (e.g. your desk) to be a little messy Bore yourself prior to creative periods Leave creative time to your off moments (when you're too tired to get in your own way) Work in a busy coffee shop for the noise Find ways to daydream more Imagine yourself in Paris when ideating (psychological distance) Dim the lighting Try a little alcohol when it's time to ideate (but not too much) Enjoy your ADHD if you have it to any degree when you need to be creative, it helps

Hopefully at least one of these methods will help you successfully detach from your own reality, resulting in more great ideas for you, and a better world for us.

Will Burns is CEO of Ideasicle. Follow him on Twitter @WillOBurns. Entities 0 Name: Robin Williams Count: 2 1 Name: Kathleen D. Vohs Count: 1 2 Name: Paris Count: 1 3 Name: Minnesota Count: 1 4 Name: Johnjoe McFadden Count: 1 5 Name: McFadden Count: 1 6 Name: Sian Beilock Count: 1 7 Name: School of Biomedical Count: 1 8 Name: Ryan Rahinel Count: 1 9 Name: Daniel Schwartz Count: 1 10 Name: George Petrakes Count: 1 11 Name: Mareike Wieth Count: 1 12 Name: University of Chicago Count: 1 13 Name: Stanford Count: 1 14 Name: Marily Oppezzo Count: 1 15 Name: Oxford University Count: 1 16 Name: Alice Walton Count: 1 17 Name: University Of Central Lancaster Count: 1 18 Name: Ideasicle Count: 1 19 Name: Life Sciences Count: 1 20 Name: Joseph P. Redden Count: 1 21 Name: University of Surrey Count: 1 22 Name: Stanford Graduate School of Eduction Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Secrets of the Creative Brain Description: As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist who studies creativity, I've had the pleasure of working with many gifted and high-profile subjects over the years, but Kurt Vonnegut-dear, funny, eccentric, lovable, tormented Kurt Vonnegut-will always be one of my favorites.

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