NASA crowdsourcing space station photos

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NASA asks for the public's help in categorizing hundreds of thousands of nighttime photos of Earth.


Courtesy NASA

NASA is asking for the public's help in categorizing hundreds of thousands of night photos of the Earth, most taken from the International Space Station.

The photos are available in an online collection.

People are asked to identify which cities and towns clusters of lights are coming from.

Hundreds of volunteers have already classified nearly 20,000 images, but those need to be confirmed by multiple people.

The main goal is to create an open atlas of nighttime photos of Earth.

The photos will be available to the media, the public and scientists.

In the end, NASA says it could help save energy, contribute to better human health and safety, and improve understanding of atmospheric chemistry.

The Complutense University of Madrid is leading the project.

You can get started at

Entities 0 Name: Earth Count: 3 1 Name: NASA Count: 2 2 Name: Complutense University of Madrid Count: 1 3 Name: Hawaii Count: 1 4 Name: Janine Stang Count: 1 5 Name: NASA NASA Count: 1 6 Name: Pearl Harbor Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: See the UFO? No? Try squinting. Squint harder Description: The crew of the space shuttle Atlantis took this picture of the International Space Station after leaving it in July 2011. Atlantis was the last shuttle to visit the station, which was first launched in 1998 and built by a partnership of 16 nations.

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