Alien thigh bone on Mars? Odd object on NASA Curiosity rover photo

Sending a robotic rover to explore the surface of an alien planet comes with the expectation of finding new and odd objects on the planet. For those monitoring the findings of the Mars Curiosity Rover, which has been investigating the climate and geology of Mars since it landed on the Red Planet's Gale Crater in August 2012, these odd objects have come in what looked like dinosaur spines, mysterious lights, an iguana and dinosaurs in images taken by the rover.

Last week, the Curiosity rover has yet again captured another image that fuels speculations of Mars being inhabited by complex life forms. The image captured by the Curiosity rover on Aug. 14 has been drawing attention because it shows what look like a bone.

The odd structure, which can be easily spotted on the image amidst other debris, resembles a thigh bone causing UFO enthusiasts to speculate that complex life forms may have possibly existed on the Red Planet at one point in its history. The website UFO Blogger, which has been keeping an eye on similar findings by the Curiosity Rover, even described the object as 'fossilized thigh bone on Mars.'

Discoveries made by the Curiosity Rover suggest that the Red Planet may have supported microbial life billions of years ago. One of the Curiosity's missions is to find out if the Gale Crater may have been able to support simple life forms. Analysis of samples from two mudstone slabs that the rover discovered showed that the area once held mild water, the crucial ingredient for supporting life, prompting scientists to believe that the planet may have once supported life.

NASA scientists have not yet spoken about the mysterious object that was seen in the rover's newly captured image, but the photo and news of the bone-like object on Mars are going viral. The news about the possible remains of a Martian being that was captured by NASA's very own scientific instruments also came at a time when images of what some claim to be that of a UFO hovering over Houston are spreading on social media.

Pictures and a video of a circular object hovering in the Houston sky and giving a light show had people buzzing of a possible alien craft albeit some UFO experts themselves are not sold out to the idea that the sighted object was indeed a spacecraft from another planet.

Entities 0 Name: NASA Count: 2 1 Name: Houston Count: 2 2 Name: Mars Curiosity Rover Count: 1 3 Name: Curiosity Rover Count: 1 4 Name: Red Planet Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: Is That A Thigh Bone On Mars? Description: Posted: Print Article NASA's Curiosity rover has spotted a "thigh bone" on Mars -- or at least that's what some paranormal types would have you believe. The folks at UFO Blogger wrote this week that the rover's MastCam had captured a photograph of a " fossilized thigh bone" on the red planet on August 14.

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