In April, 2014, announced its new paid membership program called Slate Plus. The Hive Overmind at asked us writers to promote it, and even had a contest: Whoever got the most people to sign up would get a $500 bonus.
Seeing that I have a pretty big audience here, and that I was asking that audience to pay for something, it didn't feel right to keep that money if I won. So I announced that if I did win I'd give it all to Donors Choose, a non-profit group that organizes donations to classroom teachers around the US (think of it as a KickStarter for learning).
Well, guess what? A lot of you folks signed up for Slate Plus. Enough so that I won the contest.
Photo by Donors Choose
So I just had a delightful time going through the various science teachers' pages at Donors Choose, looking for projects that needed funding. I found quite a lot, so I narrowed my criteria: Projects that were near full funding but just shy of the goal, coupled with good science, coupled with classrooms that needed the money, coupled with teachers who seemed to have that special quality, that spark, that got me so excited about science when I was a kid.
I found four that (literally) fit the bill: Learning in Motion (Mr. Estrada), Bringing Space to Our Room! (Mrs. Gibson), Mad Scientists Explore (Ms. Sunnucks), and Bring Vital Learning Technology to My Classroom (Ms. Carr). All four of these projects are now fully funded, and these educators can go forth and teach their kids science.
To all of you who helped out, thank you. You got more than just a subscription to Slate Plus; you helped hundreds of children across the country get a chance to explore the Universe around them.
You should feel really good about that. I know I do.
And if you like, there are plenty more worthy projects still needing funding at Donors Choose. Go.
Entities 0 Name: Carr Count: 1 1 Name: US Count: 1 2 Name: Gibson Count: 1 3 Name: Estrada Count: 1 4 Name: Sunnucks Count: 1 Related Keywords 0 Name: donors Score: 20 1 Name: classroom Score: 19 2 Name: choose Score: 18 3 Name: slate Score: 16 4 Name: science Score: 15 5 Name: teachers Score: 15 6 Name: projects Score: 14 7 Name: funding Score: 13 8 Name: plus Score: 12 9 Name: learning Score: 11 Authors Media Images 0
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