The Week in Viral Videos

'Most Interesting Man' Hates Bombs

When he's not laughing at inside jokes with strangers, Jonathan Goldsmith, better known for being the Dos Equis 'Most Interesting Man in the World,' is busy helping land mine and bomb-accident survivors in Vietnam. Here's his new PSA.

Every year on August 1, the citizens of Warsaw stand in silence for one minute to commemorate the lives lost during the Warsaw Uprising of World War II. It's a sight to behold.

The Kennedy Library released never-before-seen footage of JFK vacationing in Cape Cod with his family. The videos were taken just four months before his assassination and offer a rare glimpse into the family's final joyful moments.

Politicians Fight in Taiwan

Congress has its share of fights, sure, but we haven't had a literal one break out-yet. That's what happened in Taiwan over a vote to allow a nuclear-power-plant referendum.

These enlightening and terrifying 27 seconds compiled by NASA scientists will blow your mind-and it doesn't even include the past two years.

Weiner's a 'Needy Little Bitch'

In a fascinating interview on Howard Stern's show, Anthony Weiner's sexting mistress, Sydney Leathers, dished on the former congressman's shower-sex fantasies, orgasm noises, hypocritical public comments, and more. 'As funny as it would be to have a Mayor Carlos Danger,' said Leathers, 'I think he's a little too busy jacking off.'

Brian Williams Has 'Good Vibrations'

Jimmy Fallon and his team are at it again, creating a musical mashup of Brian Williams rapping Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's 'Good Vibrations.'

Matt Damon Plays Spanish Charades

That's right, the movie star recently stopped by Univision's 'Despierta America,' where he softly caressed a Chihuahua named Halle Berry and enjoyed a game of charades.

SNL Actors Breaking Character

Sometimes, when you're this funny, it's hard not to laugh at your own jokes. It's amazing this doesn't happen more often.

Jimmy Fallon Sings 'Blurred Lines'

J-Fal and the Roots reprised their classroom-instruments shtick with Robin Thicke Thursday to sing his hit, 'Blurred Lines.' It's funny, though there's something off-putting about hearing the rapey song sung accompanied by kids' toys.

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